Friday, March 14, 2008


What an idiot!

Unbelivable racism spewing from this man's mouth in support of Obama:

Friday, February 29, 2008


The Genies Reply

And another thing: the creators didn't even submit Juno for a Genie. Hard to be snubbed if you don't even ask.

Update: A publicist for the Genie awards just sent us the following statement.

"Thanks so much for your coverage of the Genie Awards but I would like to clear up the confusion surrounding the movie Juno. The movie wasn’t snubbed by the Genies because it was never submitted to the Genie Awards. I have provided below a quote from our CEO, Sara Morton that will hopefully clarify the situation.

Juno is an excellent film and the Academy salutes its success, which reflects the work of many talented Canadians both in front of and behind the camera. Regrettably, the filmmakers decided not to enter the film into the Genie Awards.

In order to be eligible for the Genies, a film must be Canadian, as defined by CAVCO and the CRTC. These are the accepted industry standards for recognizing a film as Canadian.

Ultimately, it's up to the filmmaker to decide whether to seek Canadian certification. It would not be appropriate for me to speculate about the reasons for a filmmaker's decision, or why they may or may not qualify."

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Nationality of Film Irks Knob

This guy writes an article about how the film Juno is not considered Canadian by the Genies, Canada's national film awards. This isn't the first article written by him on the subject, but this seems to be the first that has made it to the New York Times (hardly the forum for crying about Canada). The irked knob reduces the debate over defining national cinemas to his own simple, Sarrisian logic, namely "there's Canadians, it must be Canadian."

It's a bigger issue, one that the knob doesn't care to acknowledge. Didn't the knob notice that the Oscars nominated Juno for best picture, not best foreign film as they typically do for Canadian films (think Denys Arcand and Atom Egoyan); so they must have considered it non-Canadian too. And how does the author handle the fact that Deepa Mehta is not Canadian but Indian - how could her films be considered Canadian? God, what a horrid system we have.

Bottom line - look at the production. look at who produced it, who financed it, who owns it. Films are not like biological children; they don't inherit the qualities of their direct parents. That's mainly because there are no direct parents. Films are collaborations, and therefore distinguishing the country of origin can be difficult. Articles written in the style of the irked knob do not do the system any favors. In fact, they could impede the system by raising flags where none need to be raised. In a subsidy-heavy country like Canada, impedance is the mother of prevention.

Just shut up and enjoy the movie, and remember that awards shows are not true mirrors of reality.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Star Wars according to a 3 year old.

very funny

Thursday, January 17, 2008



Oh hi, it's been a while.

Israel just tested a missile, and claims that it will be able to drop an "unconventional payload" on Iran, referring to nuclear technology it is assumed to have.
Everyone and their mother, including Israel, claims Iran should not be allowed to have any nuclear weapons. Israel says it will do everything in its power to prevent them from acquiring this ability.

Are they all a bunch of idiots? This is playground bullshit. You can't walk around with a weapon and issue threats against those who don't have the weapon, telling them you'll use the weapon against them if they try to get one. Those who can't see the hypocrisy in that are daft and blind to reason.

One of the most frustrating things in society is a popularly-accepted argument that is based on an illogical foundation. Just because you call yourself "the oppressed one" doesn't mean you are excused from being kind and having respect for others. The Israeli state is a bully and brings shame to its mission of protecting Jews from another Holocaust.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Funny Headline


I don't know why, it's just funny. He's a troubled man.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


The Next Bastard

The way things have gone, who knows who the next US president could be. It could be Baptist minister Mike Huckabee. Here's what Mike Huckabee believes: ‘‘The Holy Bible ... has truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy.’’

Insane, yes. But based on the last bastard, I'd say get ready for Mike Huckabee!

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