Wednesday, July 04, 2007


more texas knob

Here's another example of my previous post. Bush said this today: "If we were to quit Iraq before the job is done, the terrorists we are fighting would not declare victory and lay down their arms." Doesn't it sound dreamy when he says it? Message to Americans, if we stop, we lose, we are quitters. If we keep going, there will come a point where they will surrender TOTALLY, to the point of physically putting their guns on the ground (followed by a swell of strings, and an airdrop of red, white and blue things). Obviously the bush is delusional.
He goes on to say: "It's a tough fight, but I wouldn't have asked those troops to go into harm's way if the fight was not essential to the security of the United States of America." What a courageous statement, this guy must be so smart!! Wait, this jerk has said this stuff before and it has been COMPLETELY DISPROVEN. There was no threat from Iraq, they fabricated it in order to convince everyone to support the invasion, and the knobs continue to announce it as if people are stupid (which, it hurts to say, has varying levels of truth).
Whenever Bush speaks, there needs to be some guy in the corner, like one of those sign language bubbles in the corner of the screen, providing commentary on what the jerk is saying. The commentator should be slightly louder than the jerk, and should interject when certain facts are false or misleading. It would also be ideal if the jerk could hear and be interrupted by the commentator. Of course, this might allow the jerk to learn something, and it might make things more transparent, which can't possibly be the mission of democracy.

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