Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A Bag of Assholes

Listen, the Pubes are sparring. How ridiculous. I'm sure there is some scientific prediction for what happens when a bag of assholes flexes past its physical limit, but I'll leave that to the next President to demonstrate.
Here's a couple of memorable quotes from the latest Pube debate:

'Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts said he would support “not torture but enhanced interrogation techniques. And taking a tougher line than President Bush and Mr. McCain, who have said they would like to shut down the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Mr. Romney said he wanted the facility doubled in size.' (Please fellow Americans, give pause to the fact that this guy's name is Mitt.)

"Now, if something is morally wrong, let’s oppose it." (Incorrect. He should have said "ethically wrong". You are responsible for your morals, we are responsible for our ethics.)

Silly crap nonsense crap crap.

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