Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Why They (we?) Fight

I watched the doc Why We Fight? last night, after watching Click with Adam Sandler. Unless I missed something, the reason Americans keep going off to war is because their President has a universal remote control that allows him to fast-forward past periods of sanity, reason and common sense to the point where he believes he has to go to war.

It does beg the question of why Canadians go to war with Americans, specifically in Afghanistan. If it is the American empire's right to self-determination that Canada is out there protecting and bolstering, then Canada is an idiot. Is there not another step of logic that must flow from this, similar to the logic of that religious nonsense about converting the heathens or killing them? If this self-determination crap is an American-centric policy, then someday Canada will be that heathen, whether tomorrow or in a hundred years.

war is an industry in itself
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